Design Studio Group


The Design Studio Group is aimed at supporting the process of design studio teaching, through a better utilization of resources,  sharing knowledge gained and adding to the development of the subject curriculum. It was formed in 2007, after 07 years of the formation of the Department of Architecture and Planning, NEDUET and a growing number of students, the faculty engaged in the design studio teaching felt the dire need to take stock of the past experiences, share issues faced and lessons learnt and discuss future strategies in order to be able to improve upon the current teaching practices.


1. Provision of a platform for the in house and the visiting design faculty for ongoing discussion & debate regarding
  Views and ideas on design studio teaching.
  Methods of design studio teaching.
  Sharing of lessons learnt and resources in design studio teaching.
2. To develop the design studio module both content and method wise and to propose assessment guidelines for future design studio exercises, teaching and assessments to the DAP and related higher authorities.
3. To organize and undertake the yearly review of design studio work plans, coordination / follow-up with other courses and portfolio assessment by a team of DSG members & other related professionals.
4. Organizing design studio teacher’s training workshops.
5. Providing advice and guidelines for the management and organization of the studios and the material produced in them.
6. Providing a collective linkup between the design studio teacher’s and the responsible administrative bodies.
7. Organization of publications, lectures, workshops and related activities likes exhibitions and displays of works.



Significant events have been held under the following:

  • Lecture Series
  • Workshops Series
  • Faculty training program
  • Exhibitions

Publications, lectures, workshops and related activities like exhibitions and displays of works intend to provide a collective linkup between the design studio teachers, studio students and the responsible administrative bodies. Assessment guidelines for future design studio exercises, teaching and assessments have been discussed in detail and agreed upon by the design teaching faculty. This has been achieved by a yearly review of design studio works, teachers’ training workshops, providing advice and guidelines for the management and organization of the studios and the material produced in them.

List of Activities (.pdf)



Saadia Bano

Masooma M Shakir

Department of Architecture and Planning

NED University of Engineering and Technology.

City Campus,  Maulana Din Mohammad Wafai Road. Karachi-74200

Phone: +92(0)21 99213058, +92(0)21 32620793, Fax # +92(0)21 99213058
