7th History Group Workshop
Geometry in Design- Geometric Patterns, Vocabulary and Proportioning 
22nd to 25th February 2016

The 7th successive History Group workshop concluded on 25th Feb Thursday with a closing ceremony and display of student work. A threefold objective was outlined for this years’ relatively shorter workshop by Taimoor Khan Mumtaz, aiming at familiarizing participants with use of geometry as pattern for surface articulation and lattice work, geometry for producing layouts and drawings and using geometry as a method to achieve harmony in design. 

Geometry is fundamental to traditional architecture of Pakistan but teaching of this important tool for design with respect to its application in traditional art is limited. Through the initiative of workshop History Group at DAP- NEDUET, for past seven years, is trying to curtail this gap. Participants are provided with manuals of drawings and a reader that not only facilitates them during the workshop but becomes a treasured scholarly possession for years to come. 

Highlights of the program were 2 public lectures, site visit and intensive studio work. A person walking through workshop studio would have noticed participants laboriously engaged with solving a triangular grid pattern with compass and scales or struggling with charcoal to demonstrate elements like arch, minaret and dome as life size wall murals. Public lecture on “Music and Architecture” was particularly engaging as Mr Asif Sinan who plays guitar as sitar, mesmerized audience with his classical beats.