About The History Group
The History Group was established in 2007 as a forum for scholarly research and discourse in areas of architectural history, theory, criticism, philosophy, cultural and visual studies.
- To promote the study and appreciation of historical and cultural heritage of Pakistan and the region
- To provide the link between pedagogical practice and historical research
- To undertake historical researches, publications and conferences
- To enhance the teaching and practice of Architectural Design through historical understanding
These aims are being achieved by several activities. Besides research, these include organizing of lectures, showings of historical films and documentaries, conducting tours of heritage sites and city walks, holding panel discussion on historic themes, producing history based plays and maintaining active networks with other historians and historical societies in the country.
Significant events have been held under the following:
All of these diverse activities have been vital in keeping alive the interest in historical and theoretic streams within our context especially amongst our faculty and students. In future, the group intends to expand its membership, to initiate historical walks and tours in Karachi and further develop the research skills and outputs of its members in historical and theoretical domains.
Fariha Amjad Ubaid
Department of Architecture and Planning
NED University of Engineering and Technology City Campus,
Maulana Din Mohammad Wafai Road. Karachi-74200
Phone: +92(0)21 99213058, +92(0)21 32620793, Fax # +92(0)21 99213058
E-mail: historygroup2007@gmail.com , ufariha@neduet.edu.pk, crd@neduet.edu.pk